3rdgen and Balaasass,
I'm glad you are both still interested in this not-so-unusual case. What makes this one different is that two of the former elders were willing to stand up and fight. There are actually two court cases going on in the area. One is the case against the new elders (from Redwood City) and the CO, DO, RBC, and Service Department filed by two of the elders. The other case is in San Mateo County Superior Court filed by the former COBOE against a portion of the federal defendants. He's charging them with both civil and criminal fraud involving identity theft (his), the unauthorized takeover of the Kingdom Hall non-profit corporation, and the theft, misuse and laundering of Kingdom Hall bank accounts and funds using bank accounts with his name on them (some that he had never opened himself).
I am going to work on the new article this week. I am in the process of researching new court documents - which will take several hours of reading and highlighting.
Off topic:
I just want everyone to know that I will be using Watchtower authorized and approved "yellow Hi-Liter(R) marking pens," not those unchristian pink or generic highliters you sometimes find at the drug store. Nope. I will only use highlighters blessed by Jah's holy spirit through his Governing Body.
You may think I'm kidding - but I actually recently got an email from a JW sister in the midwest USA that mentioned, among other things, that her uber-conservative elders seem to think that they could detect potential apostacy in the color of marking pens that some in the Kingdom Hall were using. They recommended yellow marking pens over pink, especially by the brothers - simply because of the possibility that using pink might send a signal to others that they were open to "homosexual trysts."
Then she followed that with: "That's not even the worst thing they came up with. During the winter, some of the sisters wear stylish leather boots, some with heels, that come up to the knees. Since we are not supposed to wear pants or slacks (another over the top issue for the elders), I think boots are both attractive and appropriate for cold weather - and we really catch the cold here in [state] with some temperatures dropping below zero F. What they did (the elders) was approach the husbands of some of the sisters and made the suggestion that sisters stick with high-heels or flats - not boots ("they make sisters look like whores") or tennis shoes ("they make sisters look like lesbians"). That's what they spend their time doing around here - criticizing the shoes we wear during the winter and the color of our marking pens!"
Comments are, of course, welcome. I'll let everyone know when the new Menlo Park article goes up on Ex-JW.com.